Cake boxes made from 225gsm cardboard, 95 cents per sheet, from Paper2, find the template at Wooden salt spoon,$1.35 each, from Chef and the Cook. Mini pegs in natural, $3.50 (60-pack), from Eckersleyâs. Vintage-style labels, $3.50 (10-pack),from East of India. Opposite page: Wide hessian, $6.25 per metre, from Bunnings Warehouse. Wooden cutlery, $9.96 (20-pack), from DonnaHay General Store ( Grid straws, $4.95 (24-pack), from Paper2. Tajika copper scissors, $115, large, from Mr Kitly.Thereâs no happier guestthan one sent home withcake, and these handmadeboxes are perfect for a sneakytakeaway slice. Attachingthese individual name tagswith cute mini wooden pegsadds a personalised touchand ensures no-one missesout on their sweet goodbye.. style.handmade cake boxes find the template at
nancy kaufman
(Nancy Kaufman)