donna hay magazine

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

quick fix | fudge saucessalted burnt honey sauce¼cup(90g)honey½ cup (125ml) sweetened condensed milk1½ cups (375ml) single (pouring) cream¼ teaspoon sea salt flakes``````Place the honey in a large saucepan over high heat andcookfor2–3minutesoruntildarkgoldenbrown.Addthesweetened condensed milk and cream, whisking well, andbringtotheboil.Reduceheattomediumandcook,whisking,for6–8minutesoruntilthickened.Addthesaltandwhiskto combine. Makes 1¾ cups.+ Serve with toasted waffles or drizzle over ice-cream. The sauce willkeep refrigerated for two weeks – just warm and whisk before serving.quick fix 43

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