Buddhism in India

(sharon) #1
Index 307

Maharashtra, 117, 178, 244–45;
anti-caste movement, 17; bhakti
movement, 190, 200, 203, 207;
Buddhism, 168; caste, 127; dalits,
266; Mahayana, 102; Theravada,
101; women’s movement, 227;
See alsoPhule, Jotirao
Maharashtri Prakrit, 89, 119
Maharawada, 245
Mahars, 201, 203, 246, 258,
264; and
Mahasammata, 73
Mahasanghikas, 101, 108
Mahavaggaof Vinaya, 82
Mahavira, 39, 40, 55, 58
Mahawada, 168
Mahayana, 2, 3, 8, 11, 17, 86, 89,
94, 101–02, 103, 104, 105, 108–09,
110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 136, 155,
159, 164, 210, 269, 277, 278;
bhakti element, 106
Mahima Dharma
movement, 225–27
Mahipati, 201
Mahosadha, 142
Maithili, 89
maithuna(sexual intercourse), 111
Maitreya, 136
Maitreyi, 47, 59
Majjhima Nikaya, 60, 272
Malakuta, 157
male chauvinism, 11, 41
male dominance, 81–82
Malis, 228
mallas, 45, 93
Mallika, 60
Malwa, 158
mamsa(meat), 111
Manjusri, 109
manifestation, process of, 63
Manu, 70, 79, 83, 129, 141, 173
Manusmriti, 39, 44, 45, 71, 79,
125, 247
Mara, 64
Maratha, 204
Maratha-Kunbis, SeeKunbis
Marathi, 89
market economy, 66

Martanda, 177
Marx, Karl, 19, 75, 144–45, 218,
219, 243, 253–54, 257, 260, 272
Marxism, Marxists, 1–2, 18, 71, 96,
112, 135, 142, 143–45, 161, 162,
242, 244, 279, 280
Marxism-Phule-Ambedkarism, 144
mass conversions, 266
master–employer relationship, 70–71
Matanga Jataka, 130
Matanga, Kasyapa, 76, 124,
130–32, 282
materialism, 16, 36–37, 59,
140–41, 145, 183, 212; and
beyond, 271–74
materialist philosophy, 60–61
materialists, 34–41, 274
matriarchy, 26
matrilineal monarchies, 167
matsya(fish), 111
Matsya Purana, 169
matter and spirit, 63
Mauryan, 153, 168
Mauryas, 90, 124, 133, 155
meaning, 33
meat-eating, 55
medicine, role of Buddhism, 141
meditation (samadhi), 23, 58, 68–69,
73, 113
Megasthenes, 31, 133
Meluhha, 26
mental and material world,
unity, 62
‘merit’, 33
Mesopotamians, 26
metaphysics, 13, 103
Metta, 57
‘middle path’, 5, 115, 276
migrations, 25, 26–27
Mihirakula, Huna king, 152, 170
Milindapanha, 240
militarism, 175
mind and body, 61; control of,
58, 87
Mirabai, 193, 198–200, 213, 215
misery, 12
Mithraism, 109
Mitra, Rajendralal, 235

Kassapa, 55
Kassapa, Purana, 35
kaupinadharis, 225, 226
Kauravas, 28
Kautilya, 72, 135, 168
kavya, 119
Keluskar, Krishnarao Arjun,
235, 246
Kesakambali, Ajita, 36, 38
khandas, 59, 60
Khandesh, 157
Khasas, 169
Khattiyas,See kshatriya
Khonds, 155
kingship, 71–72
kinship, 28
Kiratas, 28, 45
knowledge, 63, 275, 276; five
branches, 141
Kolhapur, Maharashtra, 157
Koliyas, 4, 93
Konkan Dalit Movements, 255
Konkan, 177
Konkanapura, 157n
Konyodha, 154
Korea: Buddhism, 88, 149
Kosala, 29, 119, 154–55
Kosambi, D.D., 142–43, 162,
173, 236
Kosambi, Dharmananda,
Krishna, 48–49, 50, 105, 199–200,
200, 202, 206
Krishnaraja, 170, 178
Krishnaswamy, P., 237
Krityas, 152
kriyavadi, 39
Ksattr, 45
kshatriya, 28, 41, 42, 44, 45, 73,
75–76, 77, 79, 97, 118, 127, 159,
173, 177, 179, 219, 228
Kuch, 179
kumbhipatias, 225
Kunbis, 127, 203–04,
228, 244–45
Kural, 57, 80, 89
Kusanas, 135
Kush, 155

Kushanas, 152; and Buddhists,
conflict, 152
Kusinagara, 153, 273

labour: division of, 126; respect for,
Ladakh: Vajrayana, 102
Lakhana Suttaof Digha Nikaya, 86
Lalitaditya, 177
lamentations, 273
Lampakas, 169
language, Buddhism and, 87–90
liberalism, 280
liberation, 7, 18, 40, 56, 81, 104,
105, 115, 148, 275, 278
liberty, 218
Licchavis, 28, 45, 64, 93, 124, 153
lineage: based societies, 28, 129;
and clan structure, 126;—sexual
intermingling, 127
Linga Purana, 169
Lokayata, 36, 37, 39, 140, 142, 212
Lokhande, 233
lokottaravada, 108
Lothal, 26
lust, 55, 242

MacDonald, 250
madhya(alcohol), 111
Madhya Pradesh, 178
Magadha, 29, 66, 71, 88, 93, 119,
153, 170, 258
Magadha (caste), 45, 46
Maha Bodhi Journal, 235
Maha Bodhi Society, Colombo, 234
Mahabharata, 28, 37, 46, 48–49, 76,
119, 195
Mahabharata, by Sarala Das, 211
Mahabodhi Society, 258–59,
261, 263
Mahad, Konkan,
Maharashtra, 247
Mahadeva (a bhikkhu), 101
Mahanidana Suttanta, 61, 62
mahaparinibbana, 3, 23, 29, 101, 103,
153, 268
Mahaparinibbana Sutta, 9, 64, 65, 66,
69, 93, 107

306 Buddhism in India

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