Magic Motivation

(Steven Felgate) #1
Every day this week, consciously do one thing you don’t feel like
doing. It’s important that you acknowledge your feelings. Say to
yourself, “I don’t feel like doing this AND I’m going to do it anyway.”
Then do it. Notice how this allows you to feel empowered.

Here’s the crux: you can practice doing the things you don’t feel like doing and can
get quite good at it. No matter what career you’re following or what you do for a
living there will be times in your life when you have to do things that you don’t feel
like doing. That’s life. There are however, ways to reduce those tasks through
delegation, outsourcing and saying no.

Then, acknowledge your emotions – these are important messages that give you
vital information about what is going on in your life. Get into the habit of
acknowledging your feelings as opposed to invalidating them. Never say phrases like:
“I shouldn’t feel like this.” Your emotions are your truth in that moment. Learn to
listen to your feelings and what they’re trying to tell you!

If most of your day is spent doing tasks that you hate – take heed. This may mean
that you should be doing something differently. Ask yourself, “If I’m still doing the
same thing in 10 years time, will I be happy?” If the answer makes you feel like
jumping off the planet – it’s time to take action and make a change. Set a goal and
take the necessary steps to bring you to a more fulfilled place. Get the support of a
Life Coach if you really don’t know what else to do or how to do it.

You may believe that you have to be motivated first, and then follow with action.
Your belief is that you’ll work when you’re motivated. But, motivation is actually a
luxury. You DON’T have to have it! You may find that once you sit down and start
something, you only then begin to feel motivated. A more true statement is that you
will feel motivated once you begin the work. Adopt this belief and you’ll get much
more done!

The reason you can do things you “don’t feel like doing” is simply because you
decide to do them. When you’re exhausted at night you DECIDE to brush your teeth
even though you really don’t feel like it. It’s a choice you’re making.

There may sometimes be a person who is expecting you to do something. You allow
yourself to be accountable to others. But what about being accountable to you? It’s

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