Magic Motivation

(Steven Felgate) #1

Key ideas

 You are motivated primarily by your value system.

 The three corners of the motivation triangle include: your goals,

your resources and your values.

 Your lifestyle and your possessions give you a good indication of

your values.

 Your values may not necessarily match with those of the society in

which you live.

 You can use your highest values to motivate yourself to achieve

your goals. Simply figure out how reaching that goal allows you to

align with those values.

 Your feelings are good indicators of whether you are aligning with

your values or not.

 If you don’t have the resources necessary to reach your goal, you

will feel de-motivated.

 Every person has a different set of values.

 The society you live in has a general set of values, as does your

generation and probably your gender.

 There are numerous benefits associated with knowing your

unique value system.

 It’s much easier to make decisions when you know your highest


 You will experience a sense of internal alignment and authenticity

when you live according to your values.

 Your life purpose becomes clearer.

 Stress is reduced when you consciously make choices aligned with

your values.

 Living according to your own value system makes life’s challenges

seem less overwhelming.

 Motivation comes easily to those who understand their values.

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