Magic Motivation

(Steven Felgate) #1
Journal work
Write about your current motivation levels. Ask yourself:

 When am I motivated?
 When am I unmotivated?
 What links may there be that cause my motivation levels to
change? (Physical/mental/emotional?)
 Then, write down 20 new habits you could create to keep
your motivation levels high. Be creative and use your
imagination. Keep all your ideas and write them down.

Did you know that feeling motivated can become a habit? Of course, for many of us,
feeling unmotivated is a habit already. I call this your habitual way of being in the
world. Some people habitually focus on what’s wrong in their lives. Some people
habitually moan when they wake up in the morning and think of their day. The good
news is that better habitual practices can be adopted. Remember a habit is merely
repeating an action, feeling or thought pattern over and over. The brain is amoral
and doesn’t only create good or bad habits. It creates a habit when there is
repetition. You judge these patterns as good or bad. Your brain’s job is to note when
a pattern is repeated over and over and then create a neural pathway so that the
pattern can be repeated with the least amount of effort.

This is great news because it means that you can consciously create new patterns
and the brain will eventually make them more automatic.

When you think about motivation there are a whole lot of aspects that come into
play. What would you like to be motivated about? (No goal = no motivation.) What
thought processes best support this goal? If you’re stressing as you think about your
goals because you can’t stand the work then perhaps the goal is wrong or your
thoughts should be replaced with more supportive ones. How does your physical
state play a role in this? Have you built up the stamina needed to reach your goal?

All these questions point to the fact that motivation is more than just a feeling. To be
in your best motivated state you can focus on aligning your mental thoughts, your
goal, your physical body, your spiritual being and your emotional state.

If you think about it, all of the above can become habitual by repeating them

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