Magic Motivation
Key ideas
Don’t focus on breaking bad habits.
Rather create a new and supportive habit.
Your brain can’t picture DONT’s.
It takes 21 days in a row to create a new habit.
Your chances of creating a new habit are stronger if you repeat
the action at the same time every day.
Your chances of creating a new habit are stronger if you use all
your senses when repeating the behaviour you want to
The brain is amoral about habits.
The brain creates a habit when there is repetition.
The brain’s job is to find a more effective way to do something
that is repeated often. It does this by creating a new neural
pathway that automates the process as much as possible.
You can consciously create new habits by repeating behaviour.
You habitualise your state of being – including thought patterns,
emotions, attitudes, health etc.
Introduce one small habit at a time. Thirty days later, you can
introduce another one.
Don’t stress if you’re not making changes quickly enough.
Remember the butterfly effect!