Magic Motivation
Key ideas
Nurture your relationships and they’ll grow well.
Everyone has a desire to live a life of greatness.
Each of us wants to leave behind a meaningful legacy.
We unconsciously choose to live a mediocre life.
Decide to consciously make changes that move you towards
achieving greatness.
Mediocre means low motivation.
Low motivation means mediocrity.
Things will only change when you decide to put in more energy
and effort.
You do NOT have to wait to be motivated.
We are four-dimensional beings: a mind, a heart, a body
and a spirit.
Give from all four dimensions of yourself – mind, heart, body
and spirit.
Satisfy your needs relating to these four dimensions: to learn
(mind), to love (heart), to live (body) and to leave a legacy (spirit).
Look after yourself and your needs.
Fulfilment comes when we live from all four dimensions.
Choose greatness in everything that you do.
Excellence is contagious!
Live a life of excellence and you’ll make an impact on your life and
the lives of others.
Your life is given meaning when you live each moment
in excellence.
Excellence, like balance, is fluid.
Watch the ego. Ground yourself in humility.
Resolve to change just one thing every week.
The more you put into life, the more you’ll get out.
Defeat mediocrity, adopt greatness!