Curriculum Guide
Consumer Math Page 18
XI. Improving your home (Chapter 7)
A. Insulation
B. Covering the floor
- Tile
C. Covering the walls - Paint
D. Molding
E. Additions
F. Furniture - Cash
- 90 day same as cash
a) Using calendars to count
days - Lay-A-Way
- Credit card
- Rent to own
G. Seeding and Feeding a lawn
H. Fencing the yard
Apply geometric methods to
solve design problems (e.g.,
designing an object or structure
to satisfy physical constraints or
minimize cost; working with
typographic grid systems based
on ratios).^
Use units as a way to understand
problems and to guide the
solution of multi-step problems;
choose and interpret units
consistently in formulas; choose
and interpret the scale and the
origin in graphs and data
Define appropriate quantities
for the purpose of descriptive
Consumer Math
by Kathleen M.
15 Days