3. PERSONAL LETTERS OF APPLICATION, directed to particular firms or
individuals most apt to need such services as are being offered. Letters should be
neatly typed, ALWAYS, and signed by hand. With the letter, should be sent a
complete "brief' or outline of the applicant's qualifications. Both the letter of
application and the brief of experience or qualifications should be prepared by an
expert. (See instructions as to information to be supplied).
applicant should endeavor to approach prospective employers through some
mutual acquaintance. This method of approach is particularly advantageous in the
case of those who seek executive connections and do not wish to appear to be
"peddling" themselves.
5. APPLICATION IN PERSON. In some in-stances, it may be more effective if
the applicant offers personally, his services to prospective employers, in which
event a complete written statement of qualifications for the position should be
presented, for the reason that prospective employers often wish to discuss with
associates, one's record.