Typography Graphic Design Thesaurus

(Michael S) #1

CL = classification USE = use instead UF = used for SN = scope note 67

author’s marks
BT alterations

author’s corrections
USE author’s alterations

author’s marks
USE author’s alterations

CL W. 36. 48. 49. 3. 3
BT biographies

automatic kerning
CL P. 5. 35. 10. 30. 4. 3
BT kerning

avant-garde typography
CL A. 21. 32. 12. 7. 21. 35. 77.

  1. 3

Avestan alphabet
CL C. 44. 90. 150
BT <specific writing sys-
tems >

CL P. 5. 44. 10. 11
RT typefaces

CL C. 44. 13. 22. 11. 4. 10. 15
SN Character in the trans-
literation of Arabic
and Hebrew
UF ain

USE ayin

Aztec glyphs
CL C. 44. 90. 162
BT <specific writing sys-
tems >

CL V. 47. 35. 45. 5. 2. 18

back margins
USE inside margins
back matter
USE end matter
USE end matter
CL P. 5. 44. 10. 76. 30. 13
BT <type styles by inclina-
tion >
CL C. 44. 13. 22. 22. 62. 86.
BT slash
bad breaks
CL V. 56. 80. 13
BT typographical artifacts
NT hyphos
orphans (typesetting)
widows (typesetting)
RT breaks
bad copy
USE penalty copy
balance sheets
CL A. 10. 10. 5. 54. 14
BT financial reports
ball terminal
CL V. 47. 10. 83. 13
BT terminal
CL V. 56. 21
BT <visual artifacts >
bank paper
CL O. 3. 3. 73. 58. 41. 3. 19
BT <paper types by form >
CL W. 23. 12
BT <created works by form >
bar (character parts)
CL V. 47. 10. 20
SN A horizontal stroke
connecting parts of a
BT <character parts >
bar charts
USE bar graphs
bar graphs
CL V. 19. 21. 44. 4. 3. 52. 14
UF bar charts
BT graphs

CL C. 44. 13. 22. 51. 10. 12
BT <specific accent marks >
bark paper
CL O. 3. 3. 73. 58. 41. 3. 23
BT <paper types by form >
barred ell
CL C. 44. 13. 22. 11. 4. 10. 21
UF slashed ell
BT <specific letters >
barred oh
CL C. 44. 13. 22. 11. 4. 10. 26
UF slashed oh
BT <specific letters >
base alignment
CL P. 5. 35. 20. 14
BT alignment
RT baseline
CL V. 47. 18. 23
BT <text line elements >
RT base alignment
baseline grids
CL V. 38. 10
BT <positional elements >
baseline skip
USE leading
Bassa alphabet
bastard titles
CL W. 10. 53. 21
UF false titles
first half-titles
BT front matter
CL C. 44. 74. 35. 15. 13
BT blackletter
CL S. 3. 90. 3. 34. 14
BT <mid– to late–twentieth
century styles >
beak terminal
CL V. 47. 10. 83. 24
BT terminal
beaked serif
CL V. 47. 10. 63. 3. 16
BT <serif by form >
beard (type)
CL O. 3. 5. 77. 10. 11
BT <parts of a unit of type >
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