the way for you to see yourself and the world more
clearly day by day. I will suggest techniques for self-
investigation and increasing self-love to prepare you
for that inner explosion of Self-Realization. I will tell
you how to use love for another as an avenue for your
own Self-Realization. I will guide you away from
teachings that are so shallow that they have a million
followers and almost as many teachers, but yield no
real happiness.
This book is divided into two sections. The first is
my own story, one of a pure cognitive approach to
enlightenment, followed by falling in love with a
deeper world both within and without, which led to
my own Self-Realization. The next section is devoted
to helping you see yourself and the world without
filters and convention, so that you have your own Self-
Realization based on who you are and where you came
from. It may be very different from mine, because I
do not try to capture you into one way, one system,
but to escape them all to find your own truth.
darren dugan
(Darren Dugan)