Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

Can You Go Naked Before God?....................................................

Some have asked, “Where is Robert Adams in your
current teachings?” Others have been more sarcastic,
and have remarked (of me), “Some have ears but do
not hear; some have eyes but do not see,” intimating I
was around Robert for years but never understood him
as deeply as my critic obviously thought he or she
understood him.
I will say something here that they will not hear.
Robert taught freedom, not just about the
absolute, God, Brahman or even consciousness. His last
words at his last Satsang, was only one word, repeated
over and over: Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! But he
used concepts and situations to affect the direction a
student was heading in, and at Sunday Satsangs, he
was pure Ramana.
On Thursday evenings he sometimes went much
deeper. Sometimes someone would ask a question and
Robert would go on a roll. The words that poured out
were pure truth, insofar as truth can be expressed in
words. A few of us close to him and maybe a few
visitors would be stunned. Our minds would become
weak and then wash away.
For a few minutes he stopped talking about karma,
love, the guru teacher relationship, or anything else

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