Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

Those whose behaviors fall outside of the norm are
often shunned, as those who are still caught in
conventionality find them embarrassing or challenging.
Can you imagine inviting Nisargadatta to dinner
with your conventional friends? How many would find
his behaviors embarrassing, and thus reflecting poorly
on you within your group of friends or family?
Conventionality and properness, as well as propriety,
become stumbling blocks to freedom.
So, I have constantly taught people how to obtain
freedom; either by going within and abiding in the ‘I
sense,’ or to question all of their assumptions
concerning conventionality: conventional behaviors,
conventional aspirations, the American dream, ideas of
marriage, sex, family, material success, as well as all
the ideas we have about gurus and spirituality.
Living from the heart, or living without the mind,
requires dropping all conventionality, all concepts, and
just being open to whatever is presenting itself to you
in the moment. Any concept or idea will prevent you
from seeing who you are as well as who the ‘other’ is.
(Note: Beware even of this, because this too is a
concept, but one meant as a "pointer," to bring

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