Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

else to go on for years but being trapped in these
concepts and projections flowing out of a need for
security and a projected onto this idol.
Then later, he or she discovers the spiritual
marketplace and finds it overcrowded with competing
visions, teachers, workshops, paid skype sessions; and
more than anything else, the concepts gurus teach:
concepts about everything from love, to awakening, to
“full-realization,” the need to be in Nirvakalpa
Samadhi for 12 years with a guru until you awaken,
Turiya, awareness, and a trillion other concepts and
I knew Robert really, really well.
He used concepts to entertain and keep people
coming back to Satsang to be in his presence. It was
not his words that changed me or anyone else; it was
his presence. In his presence I was transformed. It
was his stillness, his lack of teaching that transformed
me. He was not of this world and I felt an intuition of
that world when I was with him.
Therefore my teaching has nothing to do with any
concepts, even those from my beloved Nisargadatta,
and even less so from Robert or Ramana. I worship
Nisargadatta, and I have taken Robert into my heart
and he is I. I feel their grace constantly, and do not
feel they would have felt betrayed because I say they

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