Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

First you have unknowing, not knowing. Then
knowningness came and then it went, back and forth.
But you always existed. You really are that principle
that knows. You are the one who contains both
knowing and not knowing.
This principle is the same in all sentient beings.
Everyone has the knowing potential. There is only one
kind of knowing principle and it is embodied in all
sentient beings. We all share that as the base.
When your body mind dies, that sentience dies in
you and with it, your ‘I Am’. But the sentience, the
knowingness principle continues on throughout the
universe in others.
Maharaj says it is this ‘I Am’ that causes all the
world’s problems and is your master. How to end it
and find total freedom from the needs and drives of
the ‘I Am?’
He says to find the ‘I Am’ in us, abide in it, love it,
and one day, with endless loving, it will go. It will
release you from its clutches once the original you, the
principle behind knowingness, recognizes you still exist
even when the ‘I Am’ has disappeared.
The ‘I Amness’ has two qualities, love and the
generator of all activity. The ‘I Am’ rules all. It is the
beginning and end of everything that is visible and in

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