Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

The Difficulty of Awakening..........................................................

I will be honest with you. It is almost impossible to
awaken. The way can be so difficult, so filled with
distractions, and our minds are designed to fight
Our identities are mostly complete by the age of
seven. The time between birth and seven creates the
structure of our knowledge, our identities, and is made
up of all the stories and fairy tales told to us at school
and in our families. Culture forms our desires; we live
in these stories; they become us and our world.
We feel something is wrong with the world. It is
too ugly, there is too much pain, too many wars, too
much killing; ten billion animals killed each year just
to feed Americans. We see increasingly corrupted
politicians and businesses. We see everyone operates
from a position of greed and poisonous reactivity. And,
we want out. We don’t want to live in this world.
This was Robert Adams struggle. He did not fit; the
world was too awful.
He struggled with this realization for over a year.
Then one day he had a great realization, a precursor to
his awakening experience three years later. He came
to the realization that neither his body nor the world
was real. They were stories created by the mind that

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