Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

descends on them and they have an opening to the ‘I
Am’ and Self, or if they tire of the emptiness of their
superficial realization and decide to renew their
efforts to explore the inner world.
Let us assume you are not a Neo-Advaitin, or are a
reformed one and you decide to go deeper. The Neos
have discovered that there is no inner object we can
call an ‘I’ or a ‘me’ when looking within, and take this
discovery as the end of the search. There is just
consciousness with no distinctions of inner or outer,
objective or subjective. Everything is a flat
“suchness” or “knowingness.” They will not be
convinced otherwise, because that is both their
understanding and their experience.
Assuming you are better able to introspect than
the Neos, means you have a better access to emotions,
inner images, internal body sensations, and the inner
energies such as Kundalini. This is the level
Siddharameshwar calls the Subtle Body; it is an
antechamber to the Self. The deepest level of
consciousness, Turiya, or the Self, can be experienced
in this Subtle Body level as the “feeling” or sensation
of 'I Am', usually first felt as an energy field near the
physical heart. That energy, when found and abided in,
develops into a sense of presence, a kind of energy
field that surrounds the body and reaches out into the

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