Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

Because, unless you are fully capable of tolerating
intolerable emotional pain, intolerably intense love,
intolerably intense feelings of risk and insecurity,
intolerable fears of loss, intolerable distrust,
intolerable jealousy, intolerable sadness, and
intolerable fear of death, stoically, from a security
within oneself, you will never, ever be free.
To this end, meditation helps to “grow” one’s inner
sense of emptiness that acts as a huge container for
the fearful dragons of death and dissolution, of intense
feelings, and as a conduit to allow them to pass
through your existence, easily, without sticking and
hurting so much.
I will speak to this truth increasingly from this day

La Jolla.
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