Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

The Void is Not the Absolute; Silence is not the Absolute............

Many people who practice meditation begin to
identify with the emptiness they see and feel as their
"real self," misunderstanding that to be the Absolute,
the witness because everything flows from this
emptiness and emptiness, or space, pervades all
But the Void, the inner and outer spaces, are not
the witness, are not the Absolute, because the Void
itself is experienced and is an object of awareness.
The Absolute is entirely beyond experience as the
subject, including the experience of the Void. It
cannot be experienced itself. You can only be the
witness as a position of sentience, but you can know
nothing about it. You cannot feel yourself as a
witness, for then it would be an experience of the
witness. Anything, any knowledge is within
Now, some say phenomenality springs from
noumenality, that it is a reflection of the Unborn
aspect of your being. Some call the world the
"created," meaning it popped out of the uncreated,
noumenal, unmanifest, which they call the "real self."

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