Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

But of course we are talking about an additional
$1,000 for tests and overnight hospitalization, and he
really appears too weak to respond favorably. My
experience has been that cats are hard to keep alive
once they develop a severe malady. Lakshmi, is an
exception, with nearly four years of survival after
being diagnosed with cancer.
I am feeling an almost crushing depression this
morning because of little Red's illness. I will take him
to a new vet this afternoon, but there is little hope.
The two vets, including an oncologist, that have seen
him, have no idea. We have just been treating
My feeling is once again I have failed someone. I
did not act soon enough or aggressively enough, etc.
This is much how I felt about my favorite cat, Satchi,
when she died 15 years ago. My love, my care failed
So many times have I failed to provide animals or
people with what they needed, yet it is only with the
approach of death that the failure's effects truly reach
Well, we just got back from the vet; bad news. Red
has a systemic cancer and needs to be put to sleep.
His right kidney is very small, but the left kidney is

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