Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

This is so very, very important. You do not live in
truth as long as your attention and energies are
focused in your brain, dealing with images, concepts,
ideas, communication, and doing, or focused on a guru
or teacher.
As long as you look to perfect yourself, to “kill the
ego,” to become more “pure,” to become enlightened
or more loving, to become what you think you should
be, instead of honestly being who and what you are,
you will always be unhappy, dry and incomplete.
The only spiritual concept that means anything to
me is “Self-Realization,” gaining knowledge and
acceptance of who and what you are, and you are so
very, very extraordinary, far beyond even your most
exotic concepts.
You have no idea of how extraordinary you are
until you start looking within yourself instead of
outside in spiritual books, poetry, the various gitas,
Bibles, Koran, and to all the gurus in the world. None
can show you how extraordinary you are, because your
inner and outer worlds are unbelievably rich beyond
your present imagination, once you begin to explore
all levels of your existence with an open mind and
The world you will discover is like a spiritual
mansion with hundreds of rooms of differing

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