Foundation HTML5 with CSS3

(Steven Felgate) #1
Getting Started

Relative URLs are a useful way to keep file references short and portable; an entire site can be moved to
another domain and all of its relative URLs will remain intact and functional.


This chapter has provided a high-level overview of what the Internet and World Wide Web are and how
they work. You’ve been introduced to HTML and CSS and are beginning to understand how you can make
these languages work together to produce a rendered web page. You got a short history lesson on how
HTML and CSS have changed over time, and some inkling of what the future holds for these fundamental
web languages. We mentioned a few different text editors you can use to create your documents and
some popular web browsers with which to view them. You’ve also learned a little about web hosting and a
lot about the components of a URL, information you’ll find essential as you begin assembling your own
websites. We haven’t gone into all the gory details in this introduction—after all, we’ve got the rest of the
book to cover them. In Chapter 2 you’ll finally get to sink your teeth into some real HTML and CSS. Buckle
up; this should be a fun ride!
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