Building Tables
The td element must be a child of a tr element and must have a start tag. The end tag, though, is
optional, and the rules here are similar to those for the tr element. You may omit the end tag if the td
element is immediately followed by either another td element or by a th element (more on this one later!)
or if its parent contains no further content (meaning it’s the last cell in its row).
Required Attributes
The td element has no required attributes.
Optional Attributes
In addition to the global attributes, the following are optional attributes of the td element.
colspan: a positive integer indicating the number of adjacent columns to be
spanned by the table cell.
rowspan: a positive integer indicating the number of adjacent rows to be spanned
by the table cell.
headers: a space-separated list of unique IDs referencing th elements that act as
headers for the table cell.
The colspan attribute
The colspan attribute accepts a positive integer and instructs the browser to create a cell that spans as
many columns of the table as the attribute’s value indicates. Listing 7-6 demonstrates this.
Listing 7-6. A table demonstrating usage of the colspan attribute
<td colspan="2">Utility Belts</td>
Figure 7-1 shows the rendered output of this code. For illustrative purposes, we’ve added a background
color to the spanned cell.