Building Tables
<th scope="row">Smoke Pellets</th>
Basically, the rule to remember here is that if you're using table row groupings—thead, tbody, and
tfoot—try to use as many of them as makes sense for your table. We recommend using table row
groupings for all but the simplest tables; the organizational and accessibility benefits are worth it!
The tbody element, like the thead and tfoot elements, must appear as a direct child of its parent table
element. Additionally, tbody elements must be included after any caption, colgroup, and thead
elements, should they be present.
The rules governing start tag omission for the tbody element are slightly more elaborate than most tag
omission rules. The tbody element’s start tag may be omitted if its first child is a tr element and if the
immediately preceding tbody, thead, or tfoot element does not have its end tag omitted. Most browsers
will insert an implied tbody element into the DOM. Our best-practice recommendation to you is this: if
you’re going to use the tbody element, always include the start tag, particularly if you’re using the other
row grouping elements.
Less confusingly, the tbody element's end tag may be omitted if it is immediately followed by a tbody or
tfoot element, or if there is no more content in the table. But including end tags is always a safe bet.
Required Attributes
There are no required elements for the tbody element.
Optional Attributes
Beyond the global attributes, there are no additional optional attributes for the tbody element.
The optional tfoot element, known as a table footer row group, represents a row or rows whose content
consists of the column summaries for its parent table element. A large table containing sales data for,
say, superhero supplies, may include a tfoot row grouping containing a row of cells with sums denoting
inventory, similar to that shown in Listing 7-15.