Foundation HTML5 with CSS3

(Steven Felgate) #1
Chapter 4

<section class="store-info">
<h3>Power Outfitters</h3>
<p>616 Kirby Ave, between Romita and Ditko
<br>Open Mon-Thu: 8am-10pm, Fri-Sun: 8am-12pm
<br>24-hour service and repair: call 555-1961</p>

The section element requires an end tag and may contain any flow elements, including other sectioning
elements. For example, you can nest sections within sections:
<section class="content">
<section class="intro">
<h1>Welcome, Heroes!</h1>
<p>Power Outfitters offers top of the line merchandise at
rock-bottom prices for the discerning costumed crime-fighter.
From belts to boomerangs, we’re your one-stop shop for all
your specialized gadgetry and costuming needs.</p>

<section class="news">
<h2>Latest News</h2>
<p>Small things, big savings. All shrink rays are on sale,
this week only!</p>
The section element’s display property is block by default, so its contents begin on a new line and
occupy the full available width, but there is no other default styling. This makes the section element a
useful container for laying out pages with CSS, but don’t get too carried away. Use sections appropriately
to group related content, not merely for drawing boxes on screen. Think of these sectioning elements first
and foremost as content organization devices, not page layout devices.

Required Attributes

The section element doesn’t require any attributes.

Optional Attributes

There aren’t any optional attributes for the section element.


The article element is similar to the section element, though with a more refined definition. According
to the HTML5 specification (in its current form at the time we write this), an article element “represents a
self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site and that is, in principle, independently
distributable or reusable, e.g. in syndication.” In other words, an article element’s content should stand
on its own and still make sense in different contexts. It might be a blog entry, a comment, a forum post, a
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