Foundation HTML5 with CSS3

(Steven Felgate) #1
Chapter 4

When a header occurs within any sectioning element, such as an article, it acts as the introductory
header for that section of content only. The header in Listing 4-3 introduces the article, featuring the
article’s title in an h1 heading and an author byline marked up as a paragraph.

Listing 4-3. A header element introduces the article
<h1>Where Do They Get Those Wonderful Toys?</h1>
<p>By Norm DePlume</p>

<p>Power Outfitters Superhero Costume and Supply Company is
located in a nondescript building on Kirby Ave, a site that
once housed a large printing plant. Behind their modest
storefront is an expansive warehouse positively packed to
the portholes with paraphernalia.</p>

<p>Posted on August 9, 2011</p>
The header element always requires an end tag and can contain any flow content except a footer
element or another header element.

Required Attributes

The header element doesn’t have any required attributes.

Optional Attributes

There are no optional attributes for the header element.


A counterpart to the header element, the footer element contains additional information about its parent
sectioning element, such as author contact information, copyright or licensing, related links, supplemental
navigation, footnotes, or disclaimers. It typically appears at the end of a section but that’s not a
requirement. Like header, the name “footer” doesn’t necessarily refer to a location—this is footer content
by nature, not just by position.
Listing 4-4 shows the same article again, this time with a proper footer.

Listing 4-4. An article with a footer element, containing a publication date and copyright notice
<h1>Where Do They Get Those Wonderful Toys?</h1>
<p>By Norm DePlume</p>
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