The Definitive Book of Body Language

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The Definitive Book of Body Language

When a man is excited by a woman, which part of
his body can grow to almost three times its size?

When lovers gaze deep into each other's eyes, they are
unknowingly looking for pupil-dilation signals and each
becomes excited by the dilation of the other's pupils. Research
has shown that when pornographic films are shown to men
their pupils can dilate to almost three times their size. Most
women's pupils gave the greatest dilation when looking at pic-
tures of mothers and babies. Young babies and children have
larger pupils than adults, and babies' pupils constantly dilate
when adults are present in an attempt to look as appealing as
possible and therefore receive constant attention. This is why
the bestselling children's toys almost always have oversized
Research also shows that pupil dilation has a reciprocal
effect on the person who sees the dilated pupils. Men looking
at pictures of women with dilated pupils showed greater pupil
dilation than when they looked at pictures of women with
constricted pupils.

Take the Pupil Test

The ability to decode pupil dilation is hardwired into the brain
and happens completely automatically. To test this, cover dia-
gram B with your hand and ask someone to stare at the
'pupils' in illustration A. Then switch them to staring at illus-
tration B and you'll see how their pupils dilate to match the
illustration, because their brain thinks it's looking at eyes that
find it attractive. Women's pupils dilate faster than men's to
create rapport with what their brain sees as another person's

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