The Definitive Book of Body Language

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How to Present Visual Information

Eye Signals

Impact on the brain of information from the
senses during a visual presentation

The Wharton study in the United States found that the reten-
tion of verbal presentations was only 10%. This means that a
verbal presentation requires frequent repetition of key points
to be effective. By comparison, the retention rate of combined
verbal and visual presentations is 50%. This means you will
achieve a 400% increase in efficiency through the use of visual
aids. The study also found that using visual aids cuts the
average business meeting time from 25.7 minutes to 18.6
minutes - a 28% time saving.

The Power Lift

To keep control of where a person is looking, use a pen to
Point to the presentation and, at the same time, verbalise what
he sees. Next, lift the pen from the presentation and hold it

When you are giving a visual presentation using books, charts,
graphs or a laptop it's important to know how to control
where the other person is looking. Research shows that of the
information relayed to the brain in visual presentations, 83%
comes via the eyes, 11% via the ears, and 6% through the
other senses.
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