The Definitive Book of Body Language

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The Definitive Book of Body Language

Practical Applications of Zone Distances

Our Intimate Zone (between 6 and 18 inches, 15-45cm) is nor-
mally entered by another person for one of two reasons: first
the intruder is a close relative or friend, or he or she may be
making sexual advances; second, the intruder is hostile and
may be about to attack. While we will tolerate strangers
moving within our Personal and Social Zones, the intrusion of
a stranger into our Intimate Zone causes physiological
changes to take place within our bodies. The heart pumps
faster, adrenalin pours into the bloodstream, and blood is
pumped to the brain and the muscles as physical preparations
for a possible fight or flight situation are made.
This means that putting your arm, in a friendly way, around
someone you've just met may result in that person feeling neg-
ative towards you, even though they may smile and appear to
enjoy it in order not to offend you..

Women stand slightly closer to one another, face each
other more and touch more than men do with other men.

If you want people to feel comfortable around you, the golden
rule is 'keep your distance'. The more intimate our relationship is
with other people, the closer they will permit us to move within
their zones. For example, a new work employee may initially feel
that the other staff members are cold towards him, but they are
only keeping him in the Social Zone until they know him better.
As he becomes better known to them, the distance between them
decreases until eventually he is permitted to move within their
Personal Zones and, in some cases, their Intimate Zones.

Who Is Moving In on Whom?

The distance that two people keep their hips apart when they
embrace reveals clues about the relationship between them.

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