The Definitive Book of Body Language

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Space Invaders - Territories and Personal Space

other person to go first: dramatically different from what
happens when the same person cuts in front of him on the
open road.

In a car, many people think they're invisible.That's why
they make intimate adjustments in full view of everyone.

For some people, the car becomes a protective cocoon in
which they can hide from the outside world. As they drive
slowly beside the kerb, almost in the gutter, they can be as
big a hazard on the road as the driver with the expanded
Personal Space. Italians, with their smaller spatial needs, are
often accused of being tail-gaters and pushy on the motor-
ways because they are closer than is culturally accepted

Take the Test

Look at the next illustration and decide what the possible
scenarios could be between the two people, based entirely
on their spatial distances. A few simple questions and
further observation of these people can reveal the correct
answer and can help you avoid making incorrect assumptions.

Who is who and
from where?
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