The Definitive Book of Body Language

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How the Legs Reveal What the Mind Wants to Do

People who habitually cross their arms or legs prefer to say
that they are cold rather than admit that they could be
nervous, anxious or defensive. Others simply say they're 'com-
fortable'. That's probably true — when someone feels defensive
or insecure, crossed arms and legs feel comfortable because it
matches their emotional state.

How We Move from Closed to Open

As people begin to feel more comfortable in a group and get to
know others, they move through a series of movements taking
them from the defensive crossed arms and legs position to the
relaxed open position. This standing 'opening-up' procedure
follows the same sequence everywhere.

  1. Uncertain about each other 2. Openness and acceptance

It begins with the closed position, arms and legs crossed (illus-
tration 1). As they begin to feel comfortable with each other
and rapport builds, their legs uncross first and their feet are
Placed together in the Attention Position. Next, the arm folded
on top in the arm-cross comes out and the palm is occasion-
ally flashed when speaking but is eventually not used as a
barrier. Instead, it may hold the outside of the other arm in a
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