The Definitive Book of Body Language

(nextflipdebug2) #1
How the Legs Reveal What the Mind Wants to Do

In business contexts, we have found that people sitting like this
talk in shorter sentences, reject more proposals and can recall
less detail of what was discussed than those who sit with their
arms and legs in an open position.

The American Figure Four

This position is a seated version of a Crotch Display as it high-
lights the genitals and is used by American males or any cultures
that are becoming 'Americanised', such as the youth of Singa-
pore, Japan and the Philippines. It shows that an argumentative
or competitive attitude exists. Monkeys and chimps also use
genital displays when they are being aggressive, because a good
display can avoid the damage that could be inflicted from a
physical fight. With all primates, the male with the most impres-
sive display is seen by the others as the winner. Places like
Australia and New Zealand use both European leg crossing and
the Figure Four. During the Second World War, the Nazis kept
a lookout for the Figure Four as anyone using it was clearly not
German or had spent time in the USA.

Ready to argue the point -
the American Figure Four

The Figure Four is still uncommon in Britain and Europe
among older people but is now seen in diverse cultures such as
Russia, Japan, Sardinia and Malta among the younger genera-
tions who are addicted to American films and television and

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