The Definitive Book of Body Language

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The Definitive Book of Body Language

Which smile is fake?
False smiles pull back only the mouth, real smiles pull
back both the mouth and eyes

Scientists can distinguish between genuine and fake smiles by
using a coding system called the Facial Action Coding System
(FACS), which was devised by Professor Paul Ekman of the
University of California and Dr Wallace V Friesen of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky. Genuine smiles are generated by the
unconscious brain, which means they are automatic. When
you feel pleasure, signals pass through the part of your brain
that processes emotion, making your mouth muscles move,
your cheeks raise, your eyes crease up and your eyebrows dip

Photographers ask you to say 'Cheese' because this word
putts back the zygomatic major muscles. But the result is
a false smile and an insincere looking photograph.

Lines around the eyes can also appear in intense fake smiles
and the cheeks may bunch up, making it look as if the eyes are
contracting and that the smile is genuine. But there are signs

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