Leverage all the information, everywhere:SAP GRC Risk Management
taps into the vast data stores of the systems in your SAP landscape, but
doesn’t stop there. It can embrace information in non-SAP enterprise
applications as well as incorporating unstructured risk information held
in other ERP systems, e-mail systems, spreadsheets, and documents. It
automatically collects and aggregates all risk-relevant information at an
enterprise level, creating a single repository for ERM. This consolidated
information matures over time into a database of the company’s experi-
ence, learning, and best practices for dealing with risks, helping you
avoid making the same mistakes twice, even in different divisions.
Consolidate risk management and strategy management:SAP GRC Risk
Management aligns risk management with corporate strategy. Effective
strategy management requires a consolidated view of objectives, under-
lying strategy execution initiatives, KPIs, and related risks. The synergy
between risk management and strategy is further considered in Chapter 15.
Better, more informed decision-making:SAP GRC Risk Management
provides you with the information you need to make better decisions
that take into account important risk factors. SAP GRC Risk Management
allows you to conduct what-if scenarios, allowing you to factor in multi-
ple scenarios to help you see how various market conditions and other
variables could impact your plans. Relationships between data elements
are dynamic; adjust the KRI thresholds for various areas and the risk
forecasting automatically adjusts itself. Constant, real-time monitoring
of KRIs provides confidence that the risk information you use to help
you make solid decisions reflects the current state of all risks.
SAP GRC Risk Management gives you proactive and risk-adjusted management
of enterprise performance, providing the tools you’ll need to compete effec-
tively in the future.