Language and the Internet

(Martin Jones) #1


URLs here and in the footnotes werecorrect at the time of going to press
(February 2001), but are subject to change.

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Baron, Naomi S. 1984. Computer Mediated Communication as a force in
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2000.Alphabet to email.London: Routledge.
Bateson, Gregory. 1972.Steps to an ecology of mind.New York: Ballentine.
Bauer, Laurie. 1983.English word-formation.Cambridge: Cambridge
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Baym, Nancy K. 1993. Interpreting soap operas and creating community:
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30(2/3), 143–76.

  1. The performance of humor in computer-mediated communica-
    tion.Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication1(2).

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