Language and the Internet

(Martin Jones) #1

Index of topics 261

global, 227
influence on other languages, 19
language teaching, 232–7
on the Web, 216–22
standard, 78–9, 111, 186
2000, 232
usage, 63–4
English Today,66
erase sequence, 90–1
error messages, 82
essays, 130, 148
Essex, University of, 172
Ethernet, 220
ethical issues, 71
ethnography, 194
Ethnologue, 219
etymology, 53–4
euphemisms, 71
European Bureau of Lesser Used
Languages, 221
evolution, 169
exchanges, 112–13, 154, 157–9, 169
exclamation mark, 89
expressing negation, 90
expressing priority, 96
in chatgroup messages, 164
in e-mail greetings, 101
exclusivity of usage, 189
executive summaries, 108, 109–10
expert systems, 225
expletives, 71
Extensible Markup LanguageseeXML
eye warily, 182

facemail/facetime, 29
face-to-face conversation, 29–31,
34, 39, 51, 126, 135, 142,
145–7, 152, 162, 185, 186, 191,
facial expressions, 36, 38, 236
factual content of Netspeak, 46
fancy graphics, 47
fantasy gamesseevirtual worlds
FAQs, 71, 131, 166, 204
in chatgroups, 143–4, 154–5
in e-mails, 99, 102–6, 125
faxes, 39, 226
in chatgroups, 143, 149, 165

in e-mails, 113
in virtual worlds, 182, 184
simultaneous, 30–1, 41
visual, 26, 46
female vs. male speech, 166–7
film, 46
filtering, 97, 98, 133, 140
of Web pages, 211
Finnish, 217
flame filters, 57
flaming, 17, 37–8, 45, 55–7, 62, 71, 108,
120, 133, 167, 168, 175
flashing (of text), 196
floor-granting, 145, 148, 184
fluidity of electronic texts, 48
Foil the Filters contest, 211
fonts, 87, 201, 219, 222
footnotes, 202
foregrounding, 183
foreign language teaching, 232
foreigners, 60
forgery, 44, 207
formality, 64, 77, 79, 101–2, 107, 113,
186, 207, 242
formating, 110, 114, 117, 122
in chatgroups, 138, 143,
157, 163
in e-mails, 102–3, 106
forwarding, 98, 105, 109, 121
line length and, 110
frame (in linguistics), 119
framing, 118–21
perceptual, 119
freedom of expression, 132, 206
French, 1, 164, 167, 214, 215, 217, 218,
219, 241
frequency criteria in searching, 210–11
frequently asked questionsseeFAQs
f2f, 29
function word omission, 188
functionality, 201
FuroticaMUCKs, 173
FurryMUCKs, 173
gagging, 71, 176
Galaxynet, 154, 156
game masters, 171
geeks, 16, 25, 75
neutral forms, 183
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