Language and the Internet

(Martin Jones) #1


features typical of conversational speech, and these make it even
more difficult for language to be used on the Internet in a truly
conversational way. These limitations arise out of the current de-
pendence of the medium on typing speed and ability (see chapter 8
for future possibilities). The fact of the matter is that even the fastest
typist comes nowhere near the spontaneity and speed of speech,
which in conversation routinely runs at 5 or 6 syllables a second.
Even apparently spontaneous Internet messages can involve ele-
ments of preplanning, pausing to think while writing, and mental
checking before sending, which are simply not options in most ev-
eryday conversation. Some features of spoken language are often
present in Internet writing, as we shall see below, such as short
constructions, phrasal repetition, and a looser sentence construc-
tion. But studies of e-mail and chatgroup interactions have shown
that they generally lack the very features of spoken language which
indicate most spontaneity – notably, the use of reaction signals
(m,mhm,uh-huh,yeah...) and comment clauses (you know,you
see,mind you...). Indeed, some writers have identified the lack of
these features as one of the reasons why so many Internet interac-
tions are misperceived as abrupt, cold, distant, or antagonistic.^24
In face-to-face conversation, rapport, warmth, and agreement are
regularly conveyed by subtle reaction signals which are injected at
salient points by the listener; and the speaker adds softness, sym-
pathy, friendliness, and solidarity by introducing such items asyou
know– there is a world of difference, stylistically, betweenI think
you’re wrongandY’know, I think you’re wrong. But because im-
mediate reaction signals are not possible (see above, p. 32), and
comment clauses are not a natural part of typing (most people are
unaware they use them, or how frequently they use them, in every-
day speech), these cues are missing from Netspeak. It is possible
to do something about comment clauses, and Patricia Wallace (see
fn. 23) is one who recommends their increased use, as a means
of improving e-rapport. Also, informality, and thus warmth, can

(^24) For example, Wallace (1999: 16), who devotes a whole chapter to the social psychological

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