(Frankie) #1

  1. Three-dimensional space. Task duration: 6 minutes

The test is composed of series of plane reference drawings (dotted where they should be
folded) and a number of four tri-dimensional objects. The task is to identify the one in the
four objects resulting from folding the plane drawings.

The subtest measures the general learning ability and the spatial perception aptitude.

  1. Vocabulary. Task duration: 6 minutes

The test is made up by sets of four words. The task is to indicate the two words that have
similar or opposite meaning.

The subtest measures the general learning ability and the verbal aptitude.

  1. Tool matching. Task duration: 5 minutes

The test is made up of series of exercises containing a reference drawing and four other
drawings (slightly different in shade or the amount of white and black filling) of a certain
tool in the shed. The task is to identify the one in the four drawings similar to the stimulus

The subtest measures the form perception aptitude.

  1. Arithmetic reasoning. Task duration: 7 minutes

The test is composed of a number of arithmetic problems and the task is solving them.

The subtest measures the general learning ability and the numerical aptitude.

  1. Form matching. Task duration: 6 minutes

The test is made up of two groups of linear forms. The task is to find in the second group
the correspondent of the forms in the first, based on their size, width, pattern, etc.

The subtest measures the form perception.

  1. Mark making. Task duration: 60 seconds

The test is composed of series of squares in which the subject must mark with the pencil –
as fast as possible – three lines, two vertical and one horizontal underneath.

The subtest measures the motor coordination.

  1. Placement. Task duration: 3 trial x 15 seconds each

Materials necessary for this subtest and the next subtest (nr. 10) consist in a rectangular
board divided in two sections – with 48 holes each – and a number of cylindrical pegs.
The task is to take out the pegs from the upper section and insert them into the
corresponding holes in the lower section, by taking two pegs at the time, one by each
hand. The task is performed three times, seeking to move as many pieces as possible in
the allotted time.

The subtest measures the manual dexterity.

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