(Frankie) #1

General learning ability

Tests making up the general learning ability, and their description:

Test Description

  1. Analytic

Evaluates the capacity to discover rules and use them to solve reasoning
Consists of two subscales:
Reasoning subscale A (inductive)

  • Includes 12 items

  • Timing 7 minutes
    Reasoning subscale B (deductive)

  • Includes 12 items

  • Timing 7 minutes

  1. Analogical

Evaluates the capacity to apply previously acquired knowledge in novel

  • Includes 22 tasks

  • Timing 5 minutes

  1. Flexibility in

Evaluates the capacity to rapidly switch categorization criteria and group
objects based on the new criterion.

  • Includes 9 items, each with three classification criteria
    (taxonomy, function, perception) – 27 sets of images in total

  • Timing 3 minutes

  1. Cognitive
    inhibition and

Evaluates the capacity to ignore irrelevant information flow, as well as
remember information for a brief while.

  • Consists of 4 lists, each with 15 words to memorize

  • Timing 6 minutes

  1. Working

Evaluates the capacity of the cognitive system to hold for short time
relevant information and operate with it.

  • Consists of 10 series with five rows of digits and letters, each row
    consisting of a varied number of digits and letters

  • No time limit

  1. Cognitive

Evaluates the capacity to resist intrusion of other information than

  • Includes three item lists (familiarization, neutral, and
    interference, each item being made up of a group of 1 to 4 words)

  • No time limit

  1. Focused

Evaluates the capacity to focus by negative set-off.

  • Includes two lists of words naming colours, written in other
    colours. Each list includes 48 words written in two columns, 24
    words each

  • No time limit

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