(Frankie) #1

  • avoiding judging clients, and creating a climate of acceptance and openness
    that should facilitate the values clarification techniques;

  • awareness of the impact his or her implicit values may have on the client.

Target population

Values clarification techniques are especially useful in case of:

  • older students (adolescents), who are supported by the counsellor in
    decision-making and setting realistic personal / professional projects,
    analysing the interaction between personality factors (values, aspirations,
    interests, personal qualities, competence, aptitudes) and environmental
    factors (expectations from the family, opinions of teachers, cultural,
    economic and social context);

  • young people and adults, looking for a job that may be in accordance with
    their values, personality, and interests. The lists obtained from professional
    values interests will be discussed and compared to the interests, aptitudes,
    abilities and roles in the client’s life.

Examples, case studies, exercises

Values reflection exercise

Choose from the list below three aspects you consider most important for your future
professional activity. Bring arguments.

  1. Secure job 10. Making things

  2. Professional trips 11. Working outdoors

  3. Numerous interpersonal relationships 12. Continuing training

  4. Leading others 13. Taking risks

  5. Varied activities 14. Working in confined spaces (offices, workshops)

  6. Work hours compatible with family life 15. Conceiving, organizing, and planning activities

  7. Initiative 16. Promotion opportunities

  8. Sedentary work, fixed hours 17. Taking pleasure in work

  9. Being independent 18. Making a lot of money

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