(Frankie) #1

Disadvantages of the Self-characterization

Self-characterization depends on the self-analysis capacity and the personal information
communication availability. The relevance of information varies with the sincerity of the
client and the reliability of the counsellor.

This method builds on self-knowledge and requires „analysis capacity, a good
self-esteem, realism, intuition, lucidity, introspection, correct use of self-assessment
criteria, responsibility.”(Jigau, 2001).

Conditions of self-characterization:

  • establishing a trustful relationship between the counsellor and the client;

  • the client should know that the information provided will be properly used;

  • creating a secure, trusting, accepting atmosphere that facilitates self-

The method should be employed with apprehension and tact. The counsellor should be
able to order the information received for the benefit of the counselling process.


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Havârneanu, Cornel (2000). Cunoaşterea psihologic ă a persoanei. Iaşi, Polirom.

Holban, Ion & Gugiuman, Ana (1972). Puncte de sprijin în cunoaşterea individualităţii
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