(Frankie) #1
Counsellors personally instruct their clients as regards the content of the five
fields of interest and the self-assessment procedure, or refer them to the
respective section in the program to go through self-assessment individually,
finally clarifying and stressing the choice made.

  1. Administration of interest questionnaire requesting answers to 50 questions
    investigating the consistency of the answers for the above five fields of
    interest; this section is performed individually.

  2. Personal profile of professional interests and offers a comparative three-level
    graph (low, average, high) with results of the interest self-assessment. For
    each field of interest clients must compare the two scores, the program
    suggesting deeper reflection in case of major differences or confirming the
    self-image where scores are similar, at the same time reminding of the
    defining features of the five fields.

  3. Personal report (Your results) including the fields of interest obtained,
    expressed under the form of a three-letter Holland code corresponding to the
    main fields of interest (e. g. SOm indicated as highest the social level,
    followed by a high level for objective, the lowest being methodical);
    alongside come a graph and a list of suggested occupations accessible
    through the Browse button that gives a Brief presentation of the three
    interests in the personal code, employment conditions, and hints as to the job
    and employers; the interests for each occupation include the option Attach to
    my printed report; clients can freely explore the list of occupations suggested
    or can request help from counsellor.

  4. Browse data base allows the exploration of those occupations with an interest
    structure (code) different from the personal one; next to each occupation we
    have the option review personal profile for a pertinent comparison of the
    difference in interests. The search follows three criteria:

    • Interest structure allows selecting a different interest code, the implicit
      being the one identified in the questionnaire.

    • Occupation allows a search according to the name of occupation or key
      word, as well as listing all the occupations in the database.

    • The NOC four letter code (with subdivisions).

The interest questionnaire can be repeated to verify consistency of the results, and
counsellors can offer clients the possibility of continuing the investigation of other
occupations using the already identified interest code. It is recommended to follow
clients’ evolution and support them in the development of a personal career development
plan. In the next counselling sessions, data on personal interests will be corroborated with
information on aptitudes, social, family context, etc.

The utility of program consists in informing clients, clarifying their personal interest
fields, as well as identifying possible career paths.

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