(Frankie) #1

Method assessment


  • systematisation of the counsellor case load and of the conceptual and
    methodological structure meant to articulate the essential elements for the
    optimal solution of the case studies;

  • encouragement to write down flashes of professional experience, which
    requires a deeper analysis of the facts and more objectivity than we can
    afford when we are in the midst of things happening. At the same time, it
    increases the probability that the practitioner accepts the peers’ opinions after
    a thorough reflective judgement;

  • sharing professional practice once the case has been closed or requesting help
    in cases of operational impasse;

  • awareness of counsellor’s concept of professional self, by making evident
    certain constants of his/her position, action, interpretation of critical incidents

  • influence on professional behaviour of opinions and judgements expressed by

  • making use of the opportunity to express professional dilemmas and
    methodological reflection;

  • enrichment of the personal portfolio with local elements;

  • flexibility of presentation, as narrative or schema;

  • investigative attitude and perseverance in contact with difficult cases
    currently under work or on the waiting list;

  • use of past experiences and learnt lessons in the view of preparing for present
    and future confrontations;

  • the possibility to mark a symptomatic incident in one’s own case load or
    inspiring those that will come into contact with the presentation of the

  • the value of critical incidents as illustrations of variety accumulated in time,
    even if with a limited prognostic role, is that it brings confirmation to the
    counsellor and allows him/her validation of beneficial action;

  • the possibility to subsequently approach the same type of even in a different
    manner, knowing by now where and why a critical point would occur and
    how to treat it alternatively.

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