(Frankie) #1

The number of occupations with low consistency in types is small. Nevertheless some can
be found to combine Artistic interests with numerical skills – the Conventional type – and
those in an Enterprising environment – ACE (for example, starting a personal business in
selling music devices: audio tapes, CDs, sound equipment, etc.).

An additional aspect related to these three concepts (Congruence, Difference and
Consistency) is Identity. It refers to the stability of the professional interests and the
clarity of the aims in one’s career. Identity is an important goal of counselling and it
directly results from it: having clarified their objectives, having made a decision and
drawn up a career plan, individuals are aware of the advantages and obstacles of their
choices. These aspects are investigated through My Vocational Situation (MVS).

Vocational Preference Inventory (VPI) was used by Holland for two purposes: to develop
a theory with respect to the relation between the personality types and the work
environments, and together with the Self-Directed Search (SDS) to verify and validate the
theory; both instruments consistently coming to the aid of individual counselling.

The Holland Self-Directed Search – Form R has the following components:

Form R Assessment Booklets with the following sections: Desired Vocations, SDS
Scales, How to organize answers, What your code means, The next steps, Useful books.

Occupations Finder and Alphabetized Occupations Finder Booklets includes – in
addition to previous editions – new occupations emerged as a result of the development
of ICT and the required information on the education and training.

You and Your Career Booklets explains to users the six personality types that SDS
operates with and offers explanations related to the interpretation of the scores obtained
by clients while administering the Inventory.

Leisure Activities Finder Booklets enumerates over 700 leisure activities meant to
support those who plan such activities and people close to retirement.

Educational Opportunities Finder Booklets offers a list of 750 domains of study at the
post-secondary level placed in relation with the Holland codes, meant to support clients
with options regarding education and training.

The SDS Technical Manual describes the stages of elaborating the instrument, novelties
in the fourth edition, studies, research and technical information on other forms of SDS
(R, E, CP, Career Explorer).

The Professional User’s Guide contains practical information on all types of SDS forms,
the theory underlying these instruments, administration guides and support materials for
scoring, interpretation, counsellor training, and practical suggestions regarding the SDS.

In principal, the SDS contains an Evaluation Inventory and a Supporting list (meant to
facilitate finding the occupation most suited to the Holland code).

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