(Frankie) #1

  • An individual personality structure has combinations – in different
    proportions – of traits, aptitudes, interests, attitudes, etc. so that no person
    belongs solely to one personality type, neither does he/she have unrepeatable
    traits as such. Consequently the same category of occupations may
    correspond to individuals with relatively different personality structures or, in
    other words, more than one occupation can be recommended to one single

  • It also works the other way around: a certain profession can be practiced – at
    a satisfactory level – by individuals with different personality structures, but
    only certain categories are capable of high performance.

The Holland inventory is available under the following formats: paper-pencil,
computerized (SDS: CV published in 1985 – in DOS – and revised in 1996 – Windows)
and online (since 1999, for a fee, Form R:

Time of administration: 35-45 minutes.

There are computerized versions of SDS (Form R and Form CP ) compatible with Apple
and IBM. Both versions list the steps to be taken for completing the inventory. In this
situation it is the computer that calculates the RIASEC scores at the end of the SDS
application and yields the client’s Holland code. To this end, computers work with an
extensive database and seek occupations compatible with the client’s code, offering a
printable “personalized report”.

The computerized version of SDS allows for a quicker administration of this Inventory,
immediate and error-free scoring, it is more attractive to most clients, offers occupation
options right away, as well as “interpretations” of the client’s code, etc.

Target population

Self-Directed Search comprises the following categories of instruments:

Self-Directed Search – Form CP for pupils / teenagers
Self-Directed Search – Form R for adults and students
Self-Directed Search – Form E for the less educated

The purpose of employing the instrument is to support clients in identifying the suitable
occupations for their interests and abilities.

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