(Frankie) #1

their administration (the computer version is preferred), the equivalents of the results
obtained by filling out the various formats (results are relatively similar), administration
time (the Internet-based version is the shortest, then the computer one and ultimately the
paper-pencil), the degree of “dependency" on the counsellor (lesser or null in the case of
the electronic versions).

As unanimously admitted, among the advantages of this means of evaluation we
enumerate: ease in administration, easy scoring, easy calculation of the Holland personal
code, and quick identification of occupations with a code similar to the personal one.

It is qualified As a relative disadvantage the fact that some clients need several sessions
subsequent to testing in order to receive answers related to the logic of the Inventory, the
marking, the use of the answer sheet, the way of identifying occupations suited to the
personal code. It is also to be mentioned that the Inventory has limited predictive power,
because the clients who conformed to the reasoning and the “suggestions” of the personal
code in their vocational choice are not as a result significantly happier with their
profession compared to people not having followed such protocol.


Gottfredson, G. D.; Holland, J. L. (1996). Dictionary of Holland Occupational Codes.
(3rd edition). Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.

Gottfredson, G. D.; Holland, J. L.; Ogawa D. K. (1982). Dictionary of Holland
Occupational Codes. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologist Press, Inc.

Holland, J. L. (1966). The psychology of vocational choice. Waltham, MA: Blaisdell.

Holland, J. L. (1973). Making vocational choices: A theory of careers. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice Hall.

Holland, J. L. (1973). Self-Directed Search. Form E. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting
Psychologist Press, Inc.

Holland, J. L. (1978). Occupational Finder. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologist
Press, Inc.

Holland, J. L. (1978). Vocational Preference Inventory. Manual. Palo Alto, CA:
Consulting Psychologist Press, Inc.

Holland, J. L. (1979). Professional manual for the Self-Directed Search. Palo Alto, CA:
Consulting Psychologist Press, Inc.

Holland, J. L. (1985). The Self-Directed Search professional manual – 1985 edition.
Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.

Holland, J. L. (1985a). Making vocational choices. A theory of personalities and work
environments. (2 nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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