(Frankie) #1

  • Stock Exchange – Labour Market (Burse – Piaţa muncii) – FluxTV

  • Choose Yourself A Career (Alege-ţi o carieră) – Senso

  • Career – Where to? (Cariera – Încotro?) – Tele7ABC

Media products realized through internationally financed projects by the World Bank,
the European Commission and/or the Romanian Government:

a. Occupational profiles

450 occupational profiles have been elaborated and printed (making a 4 volume set), and
distributed to the County / Local Employment Agencies (227 units), County
Psycho-pedagogical Assistance Centres / Offices (500 units), as well as Youth and Sports
Centres (47 units).

b. Posters

16 posters have been created and distributed on the following topics:

  • Career planning, essential in a changing society

  • Lifelong learning, the premise of success in careers of the 1990s

  • The enterpriser

  • Career guidance, a permanent process

  • Career: chance or planning?

  • Career-ama: display window of occupations

  • Aptitude + Inspiration = Vocation

  • Inform yourself on your career

  • The Romanian initial and lifelong training system framework

  • Choose yourself a career compatible with the third millennium and European

  • Maslow’s pyramid – the needs pyramid

  • Choose a career path with counsellor’s help

  • Career, a bridge to the future

  • Creating a positive self-image

  • Option: Semaphore on a road leading to the future

  • Career action plan: the Egan model

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