(Frankie) #1

X admits that from this perspective the residency is no longer important, and suggests
eliminating it altogether.

The counsellor redraws the diagram with the new data and gets confirmation from
Nature of work Workload
E M 0 +
O-G + 0

The counsellor proposes a comparative analysis of the two criteria. The impact the
nature of work has on X will last for 40 years, but X’s relationship with his children –
whatever its nature – will last for his whole life.

As regards the annual impact of the two criteria, the clients reason together that the
weekly workload is much more important, since children are the core factor in this
decision, and the extra-time dedicated to the job would affect the family life of all
concerned for the rest of their lives. The clients see clearly that the emergency medicine
is the right choice for them. They understand that they judged the importance of the
decision from their point of view leaving out the essential though abstract referent, the
children. The counsellor appreciates their sensitivity in perceiving the difficulty of the
choice and their determination to seek professional help.”

Method evaluation


  • decisions about to be taken on the basis of insufficient or incomplete
    information stimulate the person’s sensitivity to social events, increase their
    degree of attractiveness, challenge, and interest on the part of the person;

  • decision makers (especially in the implementation phase) take on full
    responsibility, whatever the initiators or supporters. Decisions are personal
    experiences and the consequences are principally due to people who make

  • decision making reduces the threshold of tolerance to error or compromise.
    Those who act against their decision for good reasons become more flexible
    and inclined to a broader understanding of things;

  • one can consult with others in order to decide (e.g. friends for personal
    decisions, family for financial decisions, a counsellor for professional issues,
    or many other combinations possible);

  • decision making creates diverse opportunities to express and strengthen
    personal values in concrete situations. The choice characterizes our identity
    and style of solving our life problems.

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