(Frankie) #1

Career planning is “a continual self-assessment and objective setting process (Hudson,
1999). In a more general framework, career planning involves a rational process by which
a person sets a series of goals for career development, identifying as well the means for
their fulfilment.

Career development is the result of implementing good career planning, as a consequence
of which one has achieved appropriate competence and experience for the position.

Careers are also seen as a development process in stages which unfolds throughout one’s
lifetime. Ginzberg’s theory (1951) on career planning and development is based on three

a. Choosing an occupation is a process lasting from the first 4-5 years of life until late
maturity. Three stages are identifiable in the process:

  • The fantasy period (6-11 years): children believe they can become anything,
    professionally; the period is characterised by lack of anticipation of the
    medium- and long-term consequences of such a choice, and ignorance of the
    necessary professional qualifications for the respective profession /

  • The tentative period (11-17 years): a series of stages: uncertainty, exploring
    and conscious self-analysis:
     The interests stage (11-12 years): children become aware that they
    will have to make a choice regarding their future profession (they
    base their choices on their parents’ occupations or new subject
    matters studied at school).
     The ability stage (13-15 years): pupils focus on those professions
    related to the subject matters they do best at (based on feedback from
    teachers or parents).
     The value stage (15-16 years): adolescents make the connection
    between their abilities and the satisfaction they might derive from a
     The transition stage (16-17 years): what becomes important is
    establishing a direct relation between personal interests and
    achievements so far.

  • The period of realistic choice (17-22 years), including:
     Exploration (17-20 years): individuals gather information on the
    physical and mental requirements of certain professions.
     Crystallization (20-22 years): people are in possession of sufficient
    information for choosing a career.
     Specification – choice of profession.

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